But when she’s buckled down in Los Angeles, she mostly appreciates the weather (with the exception of an uncharacteristically rainy 2023!) and the day-to-day vibe.
“It's definitely more laid back than any city that I've ever lived in,” she said. “It's casual. They focus on a little bit more self-care.”
But she also has a strong appreciation for New York, another place where she proudly often resides. “My favorite thing about New York is everything is not so planned,” she said. “You can just walk and shop all day long. You just walk, shop, eat. Everything is not calendared. That's the biggest difference between LA and New York. It's more spontaneous … [In] New York or Paris, you get to go to the pharmacies and the department stores, and I don't do that in LA.”
And of course there’s no place like home. Molly misses the four seasons she got to experience growing up in Kentucky. “It would snow, it would be fall, it would be spring and then it'd be summer,” she said, adding that she also loves the candy selection out there.
With her birthday upon her, Molly dreamt up the “perfect day” to her kids. “You guys would bring me breakfast and it would be like nine o'clock, even though I haven't slept till nine o'clock in the last 12 years,” she said. “But I would sleep till like nine. Then you guys would bring me bed and breakfast. Then we'd watch a baking show. Then you guys would feed me lunch in bed and then we'd watch some more shows, and then you'd bring me a cocktail in bed, and then we'd watch some more shows and, you know, I dream about staying in bed and watching shows.”
And if she does hop out of bed on that oh-so-perfect day, maybe she’ll throw a little shopping into the mix. “My favorite activities are shopping,” she said. “Shopping and shopping, ‘cause I don't get to shop. No, seriously, my favorite thing—because I never get to do it anymore—is to go into stores and shop. I actually love brick and mortar.”
But as for the best advice she’s gotten from someone else? “If you don't try something, you will never know if you're going to succeed,” she said. “You just have to keep knocking down those doors. It's not about the end. It's about keeping going and continuing to try. Even when you're getting older and trying something new. it's all about the effort that's put in … you gotta put in the effort to get the result.”
And effort has certainly paid off for Molly throughout her 50 years of life, which have led her down a path of acting, modeling, motherhood and now entrepreneurship.
“I mean, I think starting YSE has been a labor—it's literally like having a fourth baby,” she said, when asked about her most rewarding career project. “I would say starting the beauty company because of how much you sacrifice.