YSE Beauty is all about giving women the confidence to live more fully. Of course, living fully isn’t just about feeling beautiful. It begins with having the support, resources, and opportunities needed to thrive. That’s why I’m so honored and excited to partner with organizations that bring life-changing assistance to the communities they serve, from basic necessities to a place to call home.

Each year, over one million children living in poverty rely on Baby2Baby to provide food, diapers, and basic necessities. With our Founder on the board—herself a proud mom of three—we’re able to see first-hand how Baby2Baby provides essential support to families nationwide. That’s why we’re proud to donate 1% of our annual sales to help further their work.

The Pink Agenda
Women supporting women is in our DNA, which makes partnering with The Pink Agenda a no-brainer. By raising money to support important breast cancer research, care, and awareness, The Pink Agenda is committed to stopping breast cancer in its tracks—as well as improving the lives of those already impacted.

A Sense of Home
Is there anything more essential than a safe space? By providing first-ever homes to youth aging out of foster care, A Sense of Home helps set them up for success. Each year, our team joins A Sense of Home on-site to help create a fully furnished and welcoming space for one very special young person to call their own.

Through partnerships in 40+ countries, Jhiepego works to ensure that all women and families have access to high-quality, lifesaving healthcare—regardless of where they live. This year, our team will take part in Jhiepego’s Miles for Mothers run to help advocate for women’s rights and greater health equity.