Here at YSE, we believe that age only makes you wiser. With each lap around the sun, we have the opportunity to grow, learn and transform, carrying that advanced inner wisdom into the next year.
So, although age should (and will) never define you as a person, there are some things that do come with years passed – and years spent in the sun.
Ever notice dark discolorations on the skin that are completely flat, but nonetheless, a total nuisance? These stubborn spots, known as hyperpigmentation, dark spots and sun spots, naturally accumulate over time (and with those years of wisdom).
Commonly shown over the age of 50, these dark spots are harmless, but still frustrating to deal with – and understandably so. Rest assured, though, they’re not impossible to tackle and with a wide variety of options available to treat them, brighter skin is just a few steps away.